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Daeshen seeds are native to the spices of the Middle East and have a special scent like licorice. Middle Eastern or Indians like to add it to soups or stews. Europeans often use cakes, cookies and sweet bread. Making candy or making anise oil is the most common.

Traits Umbelliferae plant dried anise fruits. It is pale grayish-gray, oval, and usually has a small stalk, which is very small and contains more than 20 fruits per kilogram. There are five fruit flaps, each of which contains one seed (so it is generally called “large fennel seed”, not exact). Slightly sweet, like licorice scent, resembling "star anise", but the shape and size are very different. It is produced in Egypt, South Europe, Central and South America, North East Africa and India. Quality is best in Spain. Sweet with spicy.
Alias celery, fennel, anise. Also known as big fennel seeds.
Distribution edit
Native to the Middle East.

Major value editor
Daweixiang is native to the Middle East. It has a special scent that resembles licorice. Middle Eastern or Indians like to add it to soups or stews. Europeans often make cakes, cookies and sweet bread. Candies or anise oil is the most common. In addition, the big fennel seeds can be used with fish or shellfish to make a strong Mediterranean-style seafood stew, or mixed with melted butter, roasted fragrant anise seeds and lemon juice, pour over the grilled seafood.
Uses Whole granulators are used for cooking seasonings and soups; powdered ones are used for meat products. It can also be used to flavor various liqueurs.

For storage, it should be placed in a cool, dry place. Fen seeds can be used as medicine, warming and cold, qi and pain, indications, Wei Han vomiting, back pain. At the same time, it is still a traditional condiment in China, and it is also the main spice of French green fennel and anise liqueur.

Aroma ingredients
The fennel seeds shed a strong aroma after being crushed, and so far no aromatic ingredients have been reported. Through the combination of HS2SPME and GC2MS, a total of 26 aromatic components released from crushed fennel seeds were detected. Twenty-two species accounted for 95.765% of the total composition. The main component was (E)2 fennel = fennel. 76.878%), followed by p2 anisaldehyde (4.215%), limonene (4.167%), and tarragon (2.792%), these four items accounted for 88.052% of the total aroma components and were aromas released when fennel seeds were crushed. The main contribution component. The main components of essential oils obtained by steam distillation were (E)2 anethole (84.334%), tarragon (5.419%), anthrone (2.619%), and limonene (2.209%), which accounted for 94.581% of the total components. , The greatest contribution to the aroma of essential oils.
The main components extracted by the two methods were (E) 2 anethole, and the relative content of (E) 2 anethole in essential oil was higher than that of HS2SPME. By comparison, the relative content of (E)2 anethole in essential oil obtained from commercial fennel seeds from Harbin is higher than that in other regions in China.

The six health effects of fennel
Anise can not only be used for cooking, it also has medicinal value, rich in vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber and other nutrients. As a complementary and alternative medical therapy, fennel can be used to treat a variety of diseases. The United States "Medical Daily" recently summarized the six health effects of fennel.

Prevent aging
Fennel is a natural skin care supplement. Its seeds, stalks, bulbs and leaves are rich in nutrients and it is a good source of vitamin B. These vitamins (including vitamin C) help maintain skin health and promote the synthesis of collagen to keep skin delicate and firm. A study published in the German Journal of Pharmacy in 2012 showed that skin creams containing fennel extracts have an anti-aging effect on the skin, which improves the texture of the skin and the retained moisture.

prevent cancer
Several nutrients contained in fennel play a crucial role in cancer prevention. It contains phytonutrients with anti-inflammatory properties called anethole. This chemical can exert anti-cancer effects by preventing the growth of breast cancer cells. In addition, there is a correlation between dietary fiber enriched in fennel and the risk of developing colorectal cancer. [3]
Relieve infantile air pain
The mother can calm the digestive tract by letting the baby drink some fennel tea, thereby alleviating the symptoms of flatulence and cramps. Fennel can be used as a hurricane agent to expel gases from the gastrointestinal tract and relieve gastrointestinal pain and discomfort associated with indigestion, bloating, nausea, snoring, and flatulence.

Reduce menstrual cramps
Fennel helps to relax the body's muscles. It contains nutrients that have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and antispasmodic effects, thus alleviating and alleviating the symptoms of dysmenorrhea in women. A study published in the Indian Journal of Medicine in 2012 showed that at the beginning of menstruation, taking four capsules a day containing 30 mg of fennel extract for three consecutive days reduced menstrual pain. [3]
According to statistics, as many as two-thirds of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome, and some critically ill patients become more violent or have severe depression. According to a report in the British "Daily Mail", a new study announced at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology found that fennel seeds can help women relieve premenstrual syndrome.
In the new study, scientists from Umami University in Iran divided 36 women into three groups and tested the effects of fennel seeds in relieving premenstrual syndrome. The first group of women continuously took fennel seed extract from the first 3 days of menstruation to 3 days after menstruation, the second group exercised regularly, and the third group lived as usual. After 8 weeks, the researchers found that the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome were improved in the first and second groups of women. The first group was more pronounced.
Hasan Padzeki, the head of the new research, pointed out that premenstrual syndrome is caused by a disorder of hormone imbalance in women. Fennel seeds help to balance female estrogens and relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Reduce obesity
Eating fennel can help suppress appetite because it can make people feel full. Fennel is a good source of dietary fiber. A study published in the Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition in 2006 showed that it can increase the metabolic rate and control overeating; dissolve fat deposited in the blood; as a natural diuretic to reduce water retention To avoid weight gain.

Prevent osteoporosis
Several nutrients contained in bulbs of fennel (including iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K) help build and maintain strong bones. A study published in the International Journal of Molecular Medicine in 2012 showed that eating fennel seeds can have a beneficial effect on the loss of bone minerals, loss of bone mineral content after menopause, and osteoporosis. This is because fennel can reduce the number of osteoclasts and thus protect the skeleton.