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  • 售價: $1,000



Cherry flower water cherry water, Chinese medicine name. It is a raisin obtained by processing the fruit of Rosaceae cherry Cerasus pseudocerasus (Lindl.) G. Don. With a rash, the effect of sores. Commonly used for rash, chilblains, burns, rashes, and sores.

For rash can not send, frostbite, burns.
Oral: moderate, stewed temperature. External use: Hey.
Related compatibility
There is no cure for rash, and the name is rash: a cup of cherry water is poured under a slight warming. ("Supplement to Outlines" cited "No prescription for medicine")
Collection and processing
Pick ripe fruit, go to the nucleus, squeeze the obtained juice, and place it in a porcelain jar for later use.
Plant characteristics
Trees, 2-6 meters high, gray bark. Branchlets grayish brown, green shoots, glabrous or pilose. Winter buds ovate, glabrous. Leaves ovate or oblong-ovate, 5-12 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, apex acuminate or caudate-acuminate, base rounded, sharply serrate on margin, small glands on tip of teeth, dark green above , Nearly glabrous, below pale green, sparsely pilose along veins or veins, 9-11 pairs of lateral veins; petiole 0.7-1.5 cm long, puberulous, apex 1 or 2 large glands; stipules Early fall, lanceolate, with zygote teeth.
Inflorescences corymbose or sub-umbellate, with 3-6 flowers, with open first leaves; ovate-obovate, elliptic, brown, ca. 5 mm, width 3 mm, glandular teeth at side; pedicel 0.8-1.9 Centimetre, puberulent; calyx tube campanulate, 3-6 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, outside puberulent, sepal triangular-ovate or ovate-oblong, apex acute or blunt, margin entire Edge, length is half or more than half of the calyx tube; petals white, ovoid, apex concave or bifid; stamens 30-35, up to 50 growers; style and stamens nearly as long, glabrous. Drupe subglobose, red, 0.9-1.3 cm in diam. Flowering from March to April, fruiting from May to June.